

湖人隊當家球星「詹皇」詹姆斯(LeBron James)。(圖/翻攝自湖人推特)

▲湖人隊當家球星「詹皇」詹姆斯(LeBron James)。(圖/翻攝自湖人推特)

湖人隊當家球星「詹皇」詹姆斯(LeBron James)非常有可能在下季超越「天鉤」賈霸(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar)成為NBA歷史得分王,目前已有消息指出,湖人將在詹姆斯正式成為歷史得分王的那場比賽替他辦一場盛大的慶祝儀式。

根據《洛杉磯時報》(Los Angeles Times)記者Bill Plaschke的說法,「湖人將替詹姆斯舉辦一場規模比照前當家球星布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)退休儀式的盛大慶祝場面,湖人希望詹姆斯能繼續待在球隊至少2年,並希望他過得開心,且會不惜一切代價來達成。

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The log-periodic antenna as known as LPDA is a wideband directional antenna that provides gain and directivity combined over a wide band of frequencies.
Both Log-Periodic Antennas and Yagi antennas are high gain directional antennas. The main difference between these antennas is that Log-Periodic Antennas support wider frequency bandwidths and are physically much larger than Yagi antennas.
The log-periodic dipole array typical VSWR is 2:1 and operates over a much wider bandwidth and will have a lower gain for an equivalent number of elements.
In terms of its specification, a typical log periodic antenna might provide between 3 and 6 dB gain over dipole for a bandwidth of 2:1 while retaining a VSWR level of better than 1.3:1. With this level of performance, it is ideal for many applications, although a log-periodic antenna will be much larger than a Yagi of an equivalent gain.

EMC/EMI pre-compliance test antenna.
Very high gain over the full frequency range.
 Meets latest EMC standards up to 7GHz.
Suitable even for immunity measurements

湖人曾在2016年替布萊恩舉辦盛大的退休儀式,並同時退休布萊恩的8號和24號球衣,展現對當家球星的尊重,被譽為是「籃球之神」 麥可喬丹(Michael Jordan)和「大嘴」米勒(Reggie Miller)後最精采的退休儀式,獲得外界一致好評。


    Log Periodic Antenna